Lacrosse Scholarships
Lacrosse scholarships are a great idea to help you pay for your college education. While this sport may not be as common as many others, there is still funding out there for such athletic scholarships. In fact, the realization that not everyone is going to be applying for them can work in your favor.
How to get a Lacrosse Scholarship
True, there aren’t as many Lacrosse scholarships out there as there are for many other more popular sports. However, there are more and more of them being offered than before and that is encouraging. They aren’t all just for the Division I and Division II schools either. There are Lacrosse scholarships offered for both males and females. If you have a love for this game, then why not use it to help you get some needed money coming in for your college education?
It is important to point out that the NCAA offers plenty of lacrosse scholarships. Make sure you let yourself be recognized as one that has plenty of potential. You also want them to know you are deserving for such a athletic scholarship. Many of these scholarships are partial, but they allow you to accumulate some funds for paying for college. You definitely want to check out the NCAA and the different Lacrosse scholarships.
Walter Byers Post Graduate Lacrosse Scholarship Program
The Walter Byers Post Graduate Scholarship Program was established in 1988. This program awards one scholarship annually to a female and to a male athlete in a post graduate program. They must be showing exceptional athletic skills and academic progress. This sport scholarship is believed to be one that recognizes students for offer the best that the mind and body can offer together.
Not only are such Lacrosse scholarships prestigious, this is one that can dramatically reduce the amount of money you need to find for college. The award amount is $21,500 per academic year. Every two years the recipients will be reviewed and if they are still doing every well they can renew it for two more years.
Applications for this Lacrosse scholarship are taken from February 15th through May 1st. Winners must be approved to an accredited post graduate program and the stipend will be paid directly to them.
Kyle R. Magoto Scholarship Fund for Lacrosse
These Lacrosse scholarships are offered to high school seniors that are going to pursue an associates or bachelors degree at an accredited college. They must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher to apply. They must have participated in Lacrosse for at least 2 seasons, and a total of at least 5 athletic activities during their high school career.
These Lacrosse scholarships are also based on financial need. The demonstration of community service and school involvement are also taken into consideration. At least 2 letters of recommendation from adults in the community or coaches must accompany the application. Applications are taken from December 1st through March 15th. Applicants will be notified by May 1st.
The amounts of these Lacrosse scholarships range from $500 to $5,000. It depends on the availability of funds and the financial need of the applicant. The athletic scholarships can be renewable for up to 4 years. Students must show continued involvement in sports, academic progress, and be enrolled at least half time in order for the scholarship funds to be continued.
Lacrosse Scholarships from The NJCAA
For students that are planning to start out at a community college, there is Lacrosse scholarships offered through the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA). Students can then choose to transfer to a 4 year college down the road if they would like to. Many students feel more comfortable starting out at a smaller school, and it is more affordable.
The Lacrosse scholarships that they offer are based on financial need, academic achievement, sports participation, and community involvement. The number of scholarships varies based on funding, but they typically give away up to $50,000 per year for tuition and books. The amounts awarded vary for each winner. Applications are taken from February 1st through May 1st.
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